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The weapon of self-defense> Tests of efficiency of various models>
Traumatic revolver СКАТ-1, the grandson of the REVOLVER Complex of the weapon of self-defense Оса the powerful not lethal weapon from let out now.
VIDEO - Naganych and Osa on the volunteer
On November, 25th, 2006 new tests have been lead. This time shot from Р1 "Naganych" and ПБ-4-1 "Osa". The short report...

VIDEO - Small tests gas ballonchika <Control-mind>(-wit>) over the volunteer
Pepper <Control> - unique jet ballonchik which is on sale in Russia. From aerosol it(he) differs a design of the valve - the operating(working) substance is not sprayed in a cloud, and thrown out by a jet...
  VIDEO - New tests of the weapon of self-defense
Dry figures of quantity(amount) of joules from TTKH the traumatic weapon do not allow to estimate(appreciate) its(his) real efficiency to the full. A unique way to receive representation about real efficiency - tests for the alive person.
  VIDEO - Test of all kinds gas and fire besstvolnogo the weapon on the volunteer.
Videorecording of test on the volunteer gas ballonchika "Scorpion", means of self-defense "IMPACT", a gas pistol 6П42, fire besstvolnogo pistol МР-461 "Policeman".

ИЖ-79-9Т Макарыч with increased дульной energy up to 50 Joules

Shooting ИЖ-79 9Т "Makarych" on offenders.
The given text has been transferred(transmitted) by portions by e-mail to one of participants of conference guns.ru, wishing to keep the inkognito.
  • PSM
  • Yarygin's pistol
  • Pistol Makarova
  • The Ukrainian weapon as a work of art
  • Pistol for shooting by cartridges(patrons) with an elastic bullet "Форт-12Р"
  • Pistol for shooting by cartridges(patrons) with an elastic bullet "Форт-6Р"
  • Pistol for shooting by cartridges(patrons) with an elastic bullet "Форт-5Р"
  • Novelty. A pistol for shooting by cartridges(patrons) with an elastic bullet "Форт-12РМ"
  • Pistol "Форт-17Р"
  • Pistol for shooting by rubber bullets "Fort-ñ"
  • СКАТ-1, the grandson of the REVOLVER
  • Rezinostrelnyj a revolver "CORNET-WITH"
  • ЭРМА-38Р () in the "traumatic", "gas", combined variants
  • Pistol-травматик
  • Supernumerary rezinostrel ЭРМА-55 Ó-answer psm-ычу
  • 9 mm. Traumatic pistol АЕ-790G
  • VYrezinostrel on the basis of fighting PM
  • Pistol-травматик
  • «URаган» the powerful universal pneumatic pistol in the world
  • Concerning inexpensive, but qualitative rezinostrel « ERMA 459p »
  • Concerning inexpensive, but qualitative rezinostrel « ERMA 490p »
  • pyatizaryadnyj
  • pyatizaryadnyj rezinostrelnyj a revolver " SHmajser АЕ38 "
  • shestizaryadnyj rezinostrelnyj a revolver " SHmajser АЕ820G "
  • Pistol-травматик PMR.Distantsiya of the most effective application-up to of 10 m
  • The Ukrainian weapon as product iskustva
  • 9 mm RA the PISTOL "Õ«ÓÕÑ-with" (service)
  • 9 mm RA the PISTOL "KHorkhe" (civil)
  • Pistol KHorkhe is copied from the Ukranian language the Fort-12РМ
  • KHorkhe-1 it is copied with Форт-17Р
  • New rezinostrel
  • Shooting rezinostrela
  • Attention all on rezinostrelu
  • "Naganych" - a product poor, rough and not reliable
  • Here there would be at me a same long colt...
  • Rezinostrely as the weapon of self-defense
  • The traumatic weapon of self-defense
  • " K-ST.380 ME GUM " "TO-ßÔÑÔÙþ"
  • Pistolety-machine guns of MT-38 and MT-40 in rezinostrelnom a variant.
  • Pistol service МР-471
  • The newest PSMych up to 50 Dzh .
  • Rezinostrel on the basis of pistol Stechkina aps-Ó
  • Stalker with shop on 13 cartridges(patrons)
  • Photos of the newest travmatika STALKER
  • The passport travmatika STALKER
  • Tekh.dannye travmatika STALKER
  • Stalker. Completeness, the device and a principle of work
  • "STALKER" .osnovnye units and details
  • Incomplete disassembly of pistol STALKER
  • STALKER.Заряжание And shooting
  • STALKER.Техническое Service
  • Results of shooting new travmatika STALKER
  • Rezinostrel " STALKER.Первые impressions
  • "STALKER" and the prototype "Beretta" .nestykovki
  • Pistol traumatic "STALKER" kal. 10Х22Т
  • Traumatic "К-96-БАСМА-Ч" it is delivered with a holster-butt from a nut tree
  • Carbine-травматик "Mauzerych"
  • Illnesses TT will pass all on the Leader
  • The resource of pistols TT of the fortieth years for a long time is settled(exhausted), therefore they are extremely unreliable
  • Opinion of experts about пиcтoлeте "Leader"
  • At shooting from travmatika "Leader" is distributed ...
  • Process of assembly-disassembly rezinostrela "Leader"
  • "Leader" .pervye impressions
  • "Chestnut" АЕК-919К in rezinostrelnom a variant
  • Rezinostrel
  • Automatic pistol Kalashnikov (agrarian and industrial complex) .opytnyj the sample of 1950
  • Automatic pistol Kalashnikov (agrarian and industrial complex) .opytnyj the sample 1951
  • Pistol Torkhova on the basis of TT.Byl ÔÔ-became PT
  • Pistol Torkhova on the basis of TT » PT, the right-side view
  • Installation of a cylinder in pistol PT
  • Characteristics of pistol Torkhova
  • Категория: The weapon | Просмотров: 1427 | Добавил: Rix | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
    Всего комментариев: 0


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